Division D Graduate Student In-Progress Research Gala (IPRG) 2023
Division D In-Progress Research Gala IPRG 2023 Poster Session will be held on April 14th, 2023, Friday at the AERA 2023 Annual Meeting at Hyatt Regency Chicago, Floor: East Tower - Exhibit Level, Riverside West Exhibition Hall from 9:50 to 11:20 AM (CDT).
If you are attending AERA 2023 in person, then don’t miss the excellent opportunity to learn about our outstanding graduate student researchers’ in-progress works and provide your valuable feedback to them!
Chair: Roti Chakraborty, Georgia State University & Dung Phum, Western Michigan University
Co-Chair: Janine Jackson, Morgan State University & Zijun Alexander, Georgia State University
IPRG 2023 Poster Presentations:
Influence of young adult fiction on developing science identity of LGBTQ+ youth in Texas
Author: Eric Hernandez, University of Houston - Clear Lake
How rapid guessing affects DCMs: An empirical and simulation study
Authors: Nicolas Mireles, James Madison University; Yu Bao, James Madison University
Reliability of image-based item formats
Author: Kevin O'Rourke, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Evaluating the validity and reliability of scores on the Vietnam National High School English examination
Author: Anh Nguyen, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Conditional Standard Error of Measurement of a depression scale cutoff scores on Salvadoran youth
Author: Fernando Jose Mena, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Interrelationship of digital device usage, attitude, and academic performances: Using PISA 2018 from Nordic countries
Author: Dukjae Lee, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Observing how college students process culturally responsive and antiracist items
Author: Chris Patterson, James Madison University
Tracking: Undergraduate research in texas: What student characteristics predict participation in course-based undergraduate research experiences?
Author: Jennifer A. Freeman, The University of Pennsylvania
Testing an abbreviated measure of purpose in undergraduate students using Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Author: William Haydon Ekstrom, University of Arizona
Formative assessment and IRT-1PL model: Minimum of items and students required to obtain information
Authors: Eduardo Javier Crespo Cruz, University of Massachusetts – Amherst; Lisa A. Keller, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Call for Proposals
Call for Proposals for the IPRG 2023 is closed now. The next IPRG 2024 Call for Proposals will open in Fall 2024.
For any queries regarding Division D IPRG, please email DivisionD.IPRG@gmail.com